
Have Moo Herd? It's #Februdairy!


Have Moo Herd? It’s #Februdairy!

Founded and driven by Dr Jude Capper, we are very happy to be supporting and getting involved with the #Februdairy movement throughout this month.

The purpose of this campaign is to raise awareness of every aspect of the dairy industry in order to educate individuals on where dairy products come from and the hard work that goes in to producing high quality goods.

Februdairy Sep 15 2020 04 02 42 96 PM

Dr Jude Capper intends to share 28 posts over the 28 days of February to combat the common misconceptions about the dairy industry. The vast majority of dairy farmers work incredibly hard to maintain exceptionally high welfare standards and dedicate their life to ensuring their herd is happy and content.

We are passionate about education at BCF and intend to use the #Februdairy platform to communicate how ultrasound and other technologies can be used to improve and maintain the health of dairy cows. As a supplier to the Dairy Industry, we feel it appropriate to share the role ultrasound can play in producing the milk, cheese and cream we all love!

Bcf technology bovine ultrasound Sep 15 2020 04 02 43 31 PM

From the benefits of ultrasound pregnancy diagnosis over manual palpation, to identifying pathologies such as Ruminal Drinking and Mastitis, ultrasound scanning can play a key role in ensuring overall herd health. We have also invested in to understanding where this industry is heading and what this means for farmers, vets and the cows they rear.

Follow the BCF twitter and check out our learning pages to learn more about the benefits to you, as a vet or farmer, to implementing scanning to your dairy management plans.
